Are you ready to join a team that is revolutionizing the way people communicate and work? Look no further than OpenPhone!
OpenPhone's vision and mission are clear: to help people communicate better and be more productive. They are not just another business phone software company - they are on a mission to provide a modern and sophisticated solution that enhances user experience and productivity. And guess what? They are already rated the #1 VoIP Provider on G2 - talk about making an impact!
But what truly sets OpenPhone apart is its culture. As a fully remote company, they have mastered the art of thriving asynchronously as a team. They value traits like curiosity, ambition, dedication, and trust above all else. At OpenPhone, there's a strong bias for action - they want individuals who are proactive, take initiative, and are ready to tackle challenges head-on. And let's not forget their commitment to creating an inclusive and diverse work environment where authenticity is celebrated.
If you're an optimist with grit and determination, excited about the fast-paced environment of a growing startup, then OpenPhone is the place for you. Join a team that is not just changing the game but rewriting the rules altogether. Your future at OpenPhone awaits - are you ready to make an impact?