
Why Join Us

Are you ready to join the revolution? Mercari, the largest mobile marketplace in Japan, is on a mission to make selling easier than buying. With 50 million app downloads in the US and a staggering 350,000 listings every day, Mercari is connecting millions of people across the country, enabling them to shop and sell items they no longer need. And now, they're looking for talented individuals like you to help build an even better marketplace.

At Mercari, they have a clear vision and mission. They strive to provide a seamless and delightful user experience across platforms, making it effortless for users to connect and transact. Their ultimate goal is to empower people to sell and buy almost anything, creating a vibrant and dynamic marketplace that caters to everyone's needs.

But it's not just about the numbers and the transactions. Mercari's culture sets them apart from the rest. They foster an environment that encourages taking risks and supports their employees every step of the way. Inclusivity is at the core of their workplace, where diversity thrives and every Mercarian is valued and respected as a unique individual.

Mercari knows how to celebrate success and create a sense of belonging. From virtual coffee breaks to recognition programs and quarterly team events, they make sure that their employees feel appreciated and connected. They genuinely care for one another, providing support and fostering a strong sense of camaraderie.

But it doesn't stop there. Mercari is committed to the physical and mental well-being of their employees. They offer flexibility in work location and time off, recognizing the importance of work-life balance. They provide ample opportunities for career growth, access to new tools and technologies, and continuous learning.

So, if you're looking for a company that is revolutionizing the way people buy and sell, where you can make a real impact and be part of a supportive and inclusive team, Mercari is the place for you. Join them on their journey to build a better marketplace and be part of something truly exciting. Apply now and let your talents shine at Mercari!

Job posts

2 positions are waiting for you!
Company logo of Mercari
Sr Software Engineer, Backend
217d ago
Work from United States
Company logo of Mercari
Software Engineer
137d ago
Work from United States
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