
Why Join Us

Are you ready to revolutionize the way self-employed individuals manage their finances and find peace of mind in their work? Look no further than Found!

Imagine a world where self-employed individuals can focus on their passions and creativity while leaving the tedious tasks of taxes, accounting, and bookkeeping to innovative tools. That's the vision of Found - to build a safety net for self-employment and empower individuals to thrive in their businesses.

At Found, kindness, resourcefulness, and passion are not just words - they are the pillars of our culture. Join our experienced data team, who have tackled complex challenges at top companies like Uber, Netflix, and Spotify. We foster a culture of continuous learning and excellence, where collaboration and effective communication are key. Your contributions to our data science and machine learning practices will shape the future of self-employment support.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are not just buzzwords at Found - they are fundamental to our success. We believe that a diverse team brings unique perspectives and drives innovation. Join us in creating a workplace where everyone feels valued and empowered to make a difference.

If you're looking to be part of a team that is making a real impact in the lives of self-employed individuals and shaping the future of work, Found is the place for you. Join us on this exciting journey to redefine self-employment support and be a part of something truly special.

Job posts

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Senior Software Engineer
499d ago
Work from Anywhere
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