
Why Join Us

Are you ready to join a team that is revolutionizing the payments industry? Look no further than Crezco! This Seed stage start-up is on a mission to reduce trade frictions, make inefficient markets efficient, and speed up economic progress everywhere. With a vision to leverage open banking and innovative financial technology, Crezco is growing at an incredible pace and needs spirited leaders to join their team.

At Crezco, you'll be part of a culture that values intellectual creativity, problem-solving, strong execution, and customer awareness. The company is committed to fostering a positive and world-class technology-driven environment where constant improvements are made to themselves, the lives of others, and their products, solutions, and processes day-by-day.

If you're looking to make a difference, take ownership, and be part of a team that is changing the game, then Crezco is the place for you. Join the movement and help shape the future of payments with Crezco!

Job posts

2 positions are waiting for you!
Company logo of Crezco
Senior full-stack developer
480d ago
Work from Lithuania
Company logo of Crezco
Front-end developer
480d ago
Work from Lithuania
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