
Why Join Us

Are you ready to join a company that is revolutionizing the construction industry? Look no further than Briq! With a vision to be the best automation technology available, Briq is committed to making analysis and forecasting easier, faster, and better than ever before. But it's not just about the technology - Briq's culture is focused on employee health, wellness, and growth. With a team that spans the globe and is rich in culture, you'll be joining a group of individuals who are dedicated to core values like Dialogue and Evolve. And with Aish Kapoor at the helm of the Automation department, you can be sure that you'll be working with a leader who is committed to delivering results, ensuring client satisfaction, and driving continuous innovation. As the first employee in India, Kapoor has been instrumental in establishing the Briq culture and building a COE in India. So if you're ready to be a part of a dynamic team that is changing the game in the construction industry, Briq is the place for you!

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